24.5 C

The Semantic Change of Taliban in Indonesia

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Mohamad Fadhilah Zein
Mohamad Fadhilah Zeinhttp://menara62.com/
Jurnalis, Produser, Ghost Writer, Youtuber, Kolumnis. For further communication contact fadil_zein@yahoo.com

Taliban has undergone the semantic change in Indonesia. The Taliban has no longer
refers to religious political movement in Afghanistan. But, it refers to describe
extreme and terrorism which leads to Islamic opposition groups. War on terror brings
a stigmatization to Islamic groups in Indonesia. The oppositions that differs from
government labeled as Taliban. Though, the religion of the oppositions are not

In the case of layoffs at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the term
Taliban is used to mean getting rid of employees who are actually in good standing.
The Indonesian National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has stated that
Taliban labels was used to get rid of employees who are declared not to have passed
the national insight test (TWK). The ridiculous thing, several of employees are not
muslim. Some of them are christianity, hinduism and buddhist. But, they were still
labeled as Taliban.

One commisioner of Komnas HAM Chairul Anam said, the taliban label was pinned on
officials who could not be driven for certain political interests. Of course, this is very
dangerous for the future of eradicating corruption in Indonesia.

The Taliban term was used to describe radical groups which means Islamic groups in
Indonesia. This has caused member of the House of Representatives, Fadli Zon, to be
incensed by the use of the term “radical” which only applies to Islamic groups. He
said many parties were infected with Islamophobia caused they didn’t know about
Islam and radicalism itself. Or at worst, there is a big scenario played to vilify Islam in

Global Influence

The rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan has had a major impact on political life in
Indonesia. For some, there are concerns about the rise of radicalism in Indonesia as a
result of the Taliban’s “victory” in Afghanistan. Indonesian National Police (Polri) had
said they will monitor the influence of the Taliban, which is described as an extremist
group, for Islamist groups in Indonesia.

A few months before the Taliban “controlled” Afghanistan, this group had met with
moderate Islamic groups and political figures in Jakarta. The Taliban met with the
general chairman of PBNU Said Agil Siradj, who is a moderate Muslim figure. They
also met with Golkar political figure Jusuf Kalla.

These Indonesian figures were involved in warm conversations with Taliban whose
theme was the importance of Islamic moderation in the realization of world peace.
Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, has an
important Menrole in conveying moderate Islam and mercy for the whole world.
Therefore, the Taliban certainly feel important for Indonesia‘s involvement in
supporting the organization to carry out a peaceful Islam in Afghanistan.

Prey on Social Media Jungle

Social Media is a jungle. It can be scary out there sometimes. So many millions of
people hustling, shouting and pushing their way to the top of whatever community
or industry habitat they live in. Insulting Islam is commonplace on social media.
Insults by calling Islam as the Taliban, radicals, terrorists or extremists are something
that can be found on Twitter every day.

Accusing the ulema organization in Indonesia (MUI) as a hotbed for terrorists has
been trending for several days. This is caused the police anti-terror unit Densus88
arrested MUI members as terrorist suspects. Although it is a new accusation that has
not been proven in court, the trend of MUI as a terrorist nest has echoed on social
media. Anti-Islamic groups have been recklessly and simultaneously playing up the
issue of anti-Islam sentiment on social media.

This condition certainly endangers social life in Indonesia. There is a lot of evidence
that shows what happens in the online world has a big impact on real life. The
presence of the buzzers played a hot and dangerous game. They have provoked by
tweeting racial and hateful speeches against certain Islamic groups. Ironically, the
existence of these buzzers has not been touched by the law even though several
reports have been made to law enforcement officials. Until now, no legal process has
been applied to them.

The term taliban has brought changes to the political and social constellation in
Indonesia. If allowed to continue, the polarization of society will enlarge and result in
horizontal conflicts that are difficult to control. (*)


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