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Mohamad Fadhilah Zein

Jurnalis, Produser, Ghost Writer, Youtuber, Kolumnis. For further communication contact fadil_zein@yahoo.com

The Islamic and Western Worldview, Endless Clash in the World

Western civilization and Islam are sometimes seen as diametrically opposed. Even so, both grew due to the mutual influence of each other depending on...

Rebuilding Tourism with The Creative Paradigm

  The outlook for the tourism sector remains highly uncertain caused Covid-19 pandemic for last two years. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to hit hard,...

Indonesia’s Reviving Effort of Recycled Movie Themes

Srimulat is the most well known comedy group in Indonesia. Founded in 1950 by Teguh Slamet Rahardjo, Srimulat started its show in Surakarta. Initially...

Muhammadiyah Benteng Ideologi Negara

Jakarta - Di tengah derasnya pengaruh ideologi dari luar, Muhammadiyah hadir menjadi benteng yang menjaga Indonesia sebagai darul ahdi wa syahadah (negeri damai dan...

Saying Merry Christmas in The Most Populous Muslim Country

In the West, saying Merry Christmas should be seen as a cultural practice, rather than identified as a symbol of a theological battle between...

Indonesia is getting far away from Green Economy

A report published by World Agroforestry Center (WAC) shows that Indonesia is getting further away from the green economy models. A green economy is...

The Semantic Change of Taliban in Indonesia

Taliban has undergone the semantic change in Indonesia. The Taliban has no longer refers to religious political movement in Afghanistan. But, it refers to describe extreme...

Three Periods that Make Turbulences in Indonesia

The Constitution of Indonesia (UUD 1945) has limited presidential term only two periods. The President of Indonesia is under an oath to carry out...

Tiga Ranting Dibentuk, Muhammadiyah Siap “Kuasai” Depok

Depok - Lembaga Pengembangan Cabang dan Ranting Muhammadiyah (LPCR) Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah (PDM) Kota Depok membentuk tiga Ranting Muhammadiyah di Kecamatan Bojongsari di Aula...

Perang Psikologis Brigade Al-Qassam

Rentetan serangan roket Brigade Izzuddin Al-Qassam ke wilayah Ashdod dan Ashqelon menjadi pembuktian kekuatan sayap militer Hamas (Harakatul Muqawwamah Islamiyah). Roket-roket A120 terbukti mampu...

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